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Campfire Chicken

(Even though this recipe is really fast to prepare, it takes a while to cook)

We had such a good time making these photos that we forgot to photograph the food!

Position aluminum foil in an oven-friendly dish so that the juices won't run out of the foil, and leave enough foil to be able to fold down (You can kind of tell how it is in the photo below). You will make one foil packet per person to be served.


Per each packet: Place the raw chicken in first. Then, cut into quarters a tomato...


...an onion...


...and three medium potatoes.


Add a whole carrot to each foil package. Joe likes for me to put some jalapeños in his, so feel free to add peppers or anything else you may like to the mix.


Add about a half a cup of water, some garlic, Dale's marinade (or your own favorite flavoring -- A1, worcestershire, teriaki, barbecue... It doesn't really matter what you flavor it with!)

This photo doesn't have anything to do with the marinade, but it was an extra, so I thought this might be a good place for it :o)


Fold down the top so that the packet is sealed up and put it in the oven.

Let it cook at 375° for-EVER (Actually, it takes about an hour or so, but when you're hungry, it seems like an eternity. As always with chicken, make sure you cook it long enough for the juices to run clear)



Cheesy Fish Bake

Jalapeño Chicken

Cornbread Stuffed Onions

Joe's Naked Leftovers!


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