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Our Bios

Natalie's Bio

Born: 12 / 15 / 71, East Point Georgia, USA
Height: 5' 7"

Interests: Animals (she has a dog named Waggo and a cat named Daniel) , graphic design, Gum Cats, Blue's Clues toys (the Steve era), ebay, Pop-up books, Chevron Cars, Snowmen, and NUDISM!

Professional: Natalie is an extraordinarily talented graphic designer. (Joe is typing this, so she's not bragging.) She is currently designing magazines for a growing publishing house.

Personal: Natalie is very easy-going. She was a very shy child and never could have imagined the nudist lifestyle she now enjoys.




Joe's Bio

Born: 1 / 24 /51, Fort McPherson, Georgia, USA
Height: 5' 11"

Interests: Creating fun and innovative books, cartoons and musical performances.

Professional: Joe's different outlook on time has resulted in a unique approach to calendar art that has won him critical acclaim throughout the calendar world - including The National Calendar Award. Associated Press calls his calendars "a cartoon fantasy land," and Gene Shalit says they're his favorite of all calendars he's ever seen.

Personal: Joe is very caring and attentive, always friendly. (Natalie's typing this, so he's not bragging.) He loves to talk about his creative ideas, which have won him major awards and national TV coverage.


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