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The web is teeming with sites about nudity -- everything from personal nudist pages to those sleazy adult sites (yech!). But we feel like ours is just a little bit different!

 When you click on our site, we feel as if you're visiting with us at our little nudist home. Every day, people from all over the world who share our outlook stop by to see us. (It's a good thing we don't have to feed 'em all!)  

Just what IS our outlook?

Glad you asked! Have a seat. Get naked with us and let's chat. You know, of all the animals on the earth, ours is the only species that has come to the puzzling conclusion that there is something fundamentally wrong with it the way it is born.

So what's wrong with us?

Nothing! We're fine! It's just that our ancestors, with those pesky frontal lobes, came up with some pretty weird stuff to tell little children. You were born unclean. Your body is something to be ashamed of. Now here we stand at the brink of the 21st century with humans still roaming the earth expecting the rest of us to live by that sicko philosophy.

What are we hiding?

We spend our lives shrouding ourselves in textile, concealing our "naughty" parts and rarely laying eyes on an actual human being. Just as every animal responds to the sight of its own species, humans, too, have an innate need for the sight of the human form. But all we see of each other are heads and hands poking out of cloth.

8 Ways to Flatten that Tummy!
Killer Abs in 14 Days!
Magazine covers abound with images calculated to instill in us a distorted perspective of the norm, and make us feel insecure about the way we are. But don't worry - global corporations have the solution: "Buy our products!"


What would happen if everybody stopped this silliness and cast off those garments that society demands we conceal our shameful bodies in?




(We know. We've been there. Cuffed and treated like hardened criminals by an overzealous little hotshot Georgia cop.)


Now the good news: There ARE sane people out there.

And we hear from 'em! Every day! We get e-mails from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Americas. (If only we'd hear from a nudist in Antarctica, we'd have all 7 continents!)

Clothes-minded attitudes are falling!

A new, more sensible attitude is on the rise. It encompasses not only nudism but overall tolerance, acceptance and body appreciation. When our friends find out we're nudists, they often say, "Oh, I could never do that! I'm too fat!" In other words, they can pinch that inch!

Fat? They think THEY'RE fat?

Shoot, we've seen people at nudist resorts who could pinch a yard! (Translation for our European friends: They can pinch a meter!) Yet they are more comfortable with their bodies than people in the clothing-mandatory world who are carrying around that extra little bit of chubbiness everybody's so neurotic about ... from reading all those damned magazines!


In the nudist lifestyle, everyone is accepted.
Singles, couples, families, kids, old folks, fat folks, skinny folks, handicapped, the slightly deranged, cats, dogs, Republicans, Democrats ... even bald guys like Joe are tolerated. (Barely.)

Nudism does not equal sex!
There's more sexual tension and insecurity at a textile beach, where people cover up the "naughty parts" with skimpy swimsuits, than at a nude beach where people have surpassed this type of antiquated thinking and simply accepted each other "as - is."




On the other hand...

The playful, naughty side of nakedness is fun, too. "Not that there's anything wrong with that," as Jerry Seinfeld would say. Sometimes nudists go a little over the edge in denying the slightest vestige of sexuality in nudism. But we're gonna go out on a limb and admit it: we're not asexual "naturists", we're just plain old human beings! (Well, we're not really all that old.) In other words, there's au natural, and then there's nekkid!

Then there's the artistic side of nudity.
Sensuous black and white photography, exquisite body paintings, 3-D stereograms, whimsical cartoons ... you'll find it all here on our Naked Page. However, we don't feel like we need to use "art" as a justification for nudity. Providing you with this open and honest portrayal our day-to-day clothes-free lifestyle ... heck, that's art, ain't it?

Three feet.
So we've got one foot in nudism, one in art and one in sexuality. (Hmm...that's three feet. Between the two of us, there's one foot left over. How about we dress it up in a leather boot and slutty fishnet stockings!)

The future is naked!
Ever notice how the movies depict aliens from advanced civilizations? They always have huge brains ... and they're always nekkid! The 20th century has seen society getting nekkider and nekkider. The layers of societal petticoats are peeling off. Now we're down to thong bikinis. Yet the idea of finally unveiling "those" body parts in public is still ahead of the curve for mainstream America. But just you wait! We will evolve!

Is any of this really important?
The way people feel about their own bodies, their very selves ... yeah, that's pretty important, dontcha think? Just look at the people all around you who have been manipulated into believing their bodies are not good enough. Too this, too that. Look at all these religious types sending the message to innocent little children that certain areas of their bodies are shameful. You know, those parts God apparently messed up on.

Free at Last!
Black people were courageous enough to stand up and say, "We're through with riding in the back of the bus just because you think there's something wrong with us for having been born black!" Isn't it time for people of all colors to stand up and say, "We're through with draping cloth over ourselves just because you think there's something wrong with us for having been born human!"
You're ranting now, Joe.

Yeah, you're right. We'll zip it up. You were kind enough to drop in for a visit and here we are talkin' you to death. So stop sitting there reading all this and explore our site. There are all kinds of neat things to be discovered. So enjoy your stay ... and have fun!
(There. That wasn't so boring, was it?)

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